Love Your Neighbor (LYN) Ministry
The purpose of Love Your Neighbor ministry is to serve our neighbors (members and non-members) during times of unexpected physical or life changes, to provide friendship, support and assistance with non-medical needs.
The purpose of Love Your Neighbor ministry is to serve our neighbors (members and non-members) during times of unexpected physical or life changes, to provide friendship, support and assistance with non-medical needs.
"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God." Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Library Ministry
The Luther Library’s goal is to provide quality Christian resources for anyone interested in furthering their faith. The library has over 2000 titles including books, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs and software.
The Luther Library’s goal is to provide quality Christian resources for anyone interested in furthering their faith. The library has over 2000 titles including books, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs and software.
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA)
3920 North Victoria Street, Shoreview, MN 55126 Phone: 651-483-5419 Fax: 651-756-7130 Email: [email protected] |