2025 First Communion ClassShepherd's 2025 First Communion Class will take place on April 6th from 11:30am-1pm. With the First Communion taking place during worship on Palm Sunday Worship, April 13th at the service of your choice.
Here at Shepherd we believe that ALL are welcome at the Communion Table because it is God's Table for God's people, everyone. We have a formal instruction that typically takes place around 3rd grade but can be taken earlier or later depending on parental preference. If you have middle or high school youth (or if you as an adult) would like to join, please, contact Pastor Renee or Sister Tashina before registering. |
Sunday School is Shepherd’s opportunity to engage the faith of our youngest members. Beginning September 8th, each week during our 10:00 a.m. service our children ages 3yr old (by September 1st) through 5th grade step out of service after the children’s message and into an intentional learning space rooted in love and grace. In this place, learners dive into the truly foundational stories that dwell at the core of Christian understanding. Students will hear these stories and find God’s movement through them as we use tools like crafts, games, stories, and other aids that play to the different learning styles. There is no cost for this program and all levels of engagement are welcome to join in the learning.
Vacation Bible School 2025
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA)
3920 North Victoria Street, Shoreview, MN 55126 Phone: 651-483-5419 Fax: 651-756-7130 Email: [email protected] |